As Weltew Home, we have stores in many countries outside of Türkiye. You can easily access Weltew Home products through these stores. You can contact us for a country where Weltew Home store is not available yet.
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• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
• 3 seater and 2 seater options are offered.
• It is combined with linen fabric.
• Cleaning methods that will damage the structure of the fabric such as cologne-wet towel-bleach are not suitable. It is suitable to be cleaned with a damp cloth and fabric cleaning solutions.
• The skeleton is made of hornbeam fired timber and plywood. The storage chamber is made of cotton chipboard material.
• The triple seat of our product has the feature of being a bed with a back mechanism.
• The session of the product is opened and there is a storage box at the bottom.
• Ease of cleaning is provided by using high feet.
• 3 and 2 legs are made of ABS plastic.
• The seat sponge provides medium soft comfort.
As Weltew Home, we have stores in many countries outside of Türkiye. You can easily access Weltew Home products through these stores. You can contact us for a country where Weltew Home store is not available yet.
First of all, we would like to point out that the orders placed on the website are only delivered to the borders of Turkey for the time being. Our delivery times may vary depending on the size and fabric of the product you will order, the instantaneously changing stock status of our warehouse and the nearest store to you. However, 21 working days is our maximum delivery time. However, the necessary care for delivery and installation before this period is shown by all our authorized team in this process.